Working Hard
Originally uploaded by gerbdaisies.
I had the privilege of going to the coast this weekend to help some of those who needed help getting debris out of their yards.

I will admit I was a little nervous about going to the coast. My heart already went out to the people, but I just didn't know what I would experience because pictures do not do it justice. In this case a picture was not worth a thousand words, going to see was!
I was in AWE and still am.

We worked for one day and the whole time I kept thinking -imagine if I had to wake up to this, what if I had to do this work day in and day out for who knows how long. There were people alone with no one to help, so what do you do? We did what we could. We visited 4 homes and tried to shed a little light on the massive messes they were have to clean up.

The people there have been working so hard and yet they have such positive attitudes. They kept thanking us over and over, but all I could think is I didn't do much. But it was the fact that we were there and that we cared!

The sermon in worship this morning was about returning to normalcy. But do they really want to return to normalcy in the sense of materialism? They want things to return to better than normal. They want to have a change of desires and priorities. I was so touched by this, because this is something we all need to do not just those effected by Katrina. We talked about not just taking out the garbage on the streets or in the homes, but in our lives and in our hearts. We need to evaluate what is important, what are we putting our faith in, and where would we be if we lost everything?

I can only imagine.

Thanks to the survivors of Katrina for your strength and example.
Thanks to all those from R4C that went to help! (you guys are awesome)

My life has changed for the better and I hope that I can keep it that way.

If you have a chance to go help, DO IT!!! The people on the coast need you!


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