Getting close

So many people have been asking me "Are you excited about graduating?" . Sometimes I say I don't know, and they say "Well you should be?" I could get offended at that, since I feel like they are telling me how I should feel. But instead of getting offended, I think "Should I be?" Yes, I will have my degree, but what does that intel. I think that is the part where those asking who don't have a degree, have not thought past just being finished. I am glad that I will have my degree, but I do have to decide what it next and that is not always easy. My whole life is about to change.. that could and should be a good thing, but for me it brings lots of uncertainty, which is something I am not good at. But for now, pray is in order! I have a job and in 3 weeks I will have a degree those are certain. We will take it from there. One day at a time!

It is also getting close to race day! I am running my first race on December 3rd! I am running a 5K for St. Jude. I am excited, for one because I love what St. Jude is doing for children, so my money is going to a great cause. And secondly, I will get to run with my friends. It is the weekend before finals, so we are going down on Friday night and relaxing, enjoying hanging out together. It is going to be so much fun. I have something to look forward too, and it is not far away.

Well I guess I will go for now. Sorry it has been awhile for those checking. I have been in pursuit of a degree!

Today I am thankful:
For my dad - he always knows when to call and say I love you and I am praying for you!
My roommate- she has kept me sane this semester
Heather, Forrest, Matt, Brandi for running the race with me. (it is going to be a blast!)
For my others friends, for standing by me this past few months when I have not been so easy to love.. You guys are awesome!

keep praying. God has a plan for all of us!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...

    Best wishes for a great experience on Saturday with your race.

    Congratulations on your courage to break out of the box and take on somethiung that's filled with unknowns, uncertainities and mystery.

    Good for you.

    Interesting observations about the degree. Let's talk when convenient. Once you have the degree no one can take it from you and you will always know the price you paid to be counted among the graduates. It is a milestone to celebrate. And it is aturning point, ie., commencement--a beginning, not an ending. The beginning of something totally new--free of the security bubble in which students live, knowing for sure what each day's schedul;e is, what books to read, what reports to write-----free from others checking on you---and free to set sail into uncharted waters, confident that the experiences you have had thus far will enable you to continue learning---and thus your life becomes a constant student of life---ah-ha! And what wonderful things God has in store for you on this new journey. get ready---here it comes........


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