I was reading a daily devotional by Max Lucado and it really made me think, so I thought I would share? How are you treating your neighbor (co-worker, spouse, friend, enemy, family, etc.)?

Are you aware that this is what you are saying to your Father? Give me what I give them. Grant me the same peace I grant others. Let me enjoy the same tolerance I offer. God will treat you the way you treat others.

In any given Christian community there are two groups: those who are contagious in their joy and those who are cranky in their faith. They’ve accepted Christ and are seeking him, but their balloon has no helium. One is grateful, the other is grumpy. Both are saved. Both are heaven bound. But one sees the rainbow and the other sees the rain.

Could this principle explain the difference? Could it be that they are experiencing the same joy they have given their offenders? One says, “I forgive you,” and feels forgiven. The other says, “I’m ticked off,” and lives ticked off at the world.

It’s as if God sends you to the market to purchase your neighbor’s groceries saying, “Whatever you get your neighbor, get also for yourself. For whatever you give him is what you receive.”

Let’s take this a step further. Suppose your neighbor’s trash blows into your yard. You mention the mess to him, and he says he’ll get to it sometime next week. You inform him that you’ve got company coming and couldn’t he get out of that chair and do some work? He tells you not to be so picky, that the garbage fertilizes your garden. You’re just about to walk across the lawn to have a talk when God reminds you, “Time to go to the market and buy your neighbor’s groceries.” So you grumble and mumble your way to the store, and then it hits you, “I’ll get even with the old bum.” You go straight to the skim milk. Then you make a beeline to the anchovies and sardines. You march right past the double-chocolate ice cream and head toward the okra and rice. You make a final stop in the day-old bread section and pick up a crusty loaf with green spots on the edge.

Chuckling, you drive back to the house and drop the sack in the lap of your lazy, good-for-nothing neighbor. “Have a good dinner.” And you walk away.

All your brilliant scheming left you hungry, so you go to your refrigerator to fix a sandwich, but guess what you find. Your pantry is full of what you gave your enemy. All you have to eat is exactly what you just bought. We get what we give.

Some of you have been eating sardines for a long time. Your diet ain’t gonna change until you change. You look around at other Christians. They aren’t as sour as you are. They’re enjoying the delicacies of God, and you’re stuck with okra and anchovies on moldy bread. You’ve always wondered why they look so happy and you feel so cranky. Maybe now you know. Could it be God is giving you exactly what you’re giving someone else?


  1. Anonymous said...
    Do you practice what you are posting? If you can't practice what you are quoting to others then you should not be pointing the finger. I find it intriguing your ability to quote items from the Bible, yet you seem to not be able to live that way. I have dried the tears of one you have deemed unworthy to be around you and your clan. Causing her to be alone, since you have deemed yourself the head all things. You are a very good example of why I have a sour taste for Christians. Grow up and stop hurting others. Amazingly, you have many blinded, however God sees your hate and deceit. I had said I wouldn't say anything to you, yet when I read your 'blog' it is quite hypocritical and I am tired of hearing how you are to others and reading it. Isn't there a saying about practice what you preach? I don't know you personally, nor do I wish to know you at all. I believe I would rather sit down with the devil himself, yet sitting down with you might be like that from what I have read from you to others. I ask you to leave me out of your little childish games and don't throw me up in your emails and spew of lies. You sure had no problem accepting tickets I purchased at times for hockey games. According to your email that was all I am good for, yet you have no clue about me. Grow up little lonely girl. There is a reason you are single. Hate and evilness are seen in the eyes of men and we don't like things like that in women.
    Ann said...
    I pray each and every day to strive toward what I mention in my blogs. I am not perfect and just struggle just like everyone else. I am sorry you have been hurt by this situation. Thank you for reading my blog! I am sorry you have a sour taste for Christians and pray that you can see differently.
    Anonymous said...
    From what you write , yeah it seems you want to write encouraging words to make yourself feel good or "look good" I know enough about what you and others have done to others. It is a shame and I think you should go forward to the ones who you hurt the most. We have a right to judge others for some reasons, but the only way we can judge others if its that you are living right and know where your heart is. If you are true to yourself you would know it, but from what I KNOW, what you have said to certain people, I believe that you are in the MAJOR WRONG DOING!!! Even this one person has gotten an elders wife involved to see if things can be resolved , b/c she has tried her hardest to make you REALIZE what you are doing! But yet, when the "grudge" or whatever you want to call it doesnt resolve, it means you are holding on to it yourself!!!
    I dont see how you can suddenly turn on someone b/c of some friends she has. Please do not judge others when you go out and get trashed yourself, sleeping in the SAME ROOM with a married man and another man on a trip. Do not judge others when you are doing things that look wrong in other peoples eyes!!
    I am a christian myself, my father is a preacher so do not act like what I am saying is wrong.
    Time to go forward to the enemies you have made! You never know what happens day by day!
    yes we can pray and act holier than thou...in public..but what goes on inside matters more than how you act as a cover up!!
    Thanks for reading..
    Ann said...
    I am sorry that you feel my intent was to make myself look good. That was never my intent. I try to do a daily reading everyday and the ones I posted were ones that were encouragement to me, when I was struggling with different situations in my life and I wanted to share with others. I am not perfect and have made choices that are not always good - I have apologized and repent for these mistakes and try not to make the same mistake twice.
    I am sorry that you have gotten caught up in a situation that I thought was solved and was in my past - I have repented and also made a direct apology to the individual(s). I was not aware that this situation had be talked about outside of the individuals involved, so I am sorry you got caught up in that as well.
    I do ask that you don’t make judgments of me and my attempts to solve the situation. I am a Christian and I do fall short. But please remember there are two sides to every story and until you know the whole situation, with both sides included, please do not point fingers.
    I ask that you pray for all people involved, that apologies can be accepted and resolution can occur.

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