Friend of Sinners

The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
— Luke 19:10 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

"The Friend of Sinners." Of all the things Jesus was called, I believe that was his favorite. Come to think of it, I believe it's my favorite, too!

My Prayer...

Father, while I know you hate sin and the havoc it creates in our lives, I am so thankful that when you came to earth you were not our judge but our Savior, you were our friend. I promise to live today more aware of your love for the lost because I know what it means to be found. Through Jesus my Lord, I pray. Amen.

Thankful for:
- the opportunity to share Christ
- for the freedom to worship as I want
- flowers
- time with my sister and her family
- positive encouragement
- love of family and friends
- being found by Jesus


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