[Jesus said] "You are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."— Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Our life will not be neutral. We will either point others away from God or show them that allegiance to God is important. Let's make an intentional effort today to shine the light of God's holiness and grace in all we do and say.

My Prayer...
O God, may the words of my mouth, the actions of my life, and the influence of my deeds show others your holiness and grace and lead them to acknowledge your majesty and might. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

today, I am thankful for:
- fridays
- great friendships
- productive mornings
- smiles on the face of others
- love of God
- quiet nights at home
- love of my wonderful fiance'
- weekends
- payday!

Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. — Hebrews 12:1 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...
With all the great heroes of the Bible, both big and small, we can do God's work with confidence. But to boldly go where he wants us to go, we must first be willing to let go of the sin that entangles our lives, distorts our vision, enlarges our doubts, and robs us of our spiritual vitality and stamina.

My Prayer...
Holy Father, forgive me for my sin. Not just my blatant sins, but my willingness to dabble in things that are not holy, to flirt with things that are spiritually dangerous, and to expose myself to things that leave a residue of Satan's world. Give me strength to say no to the things that distract me from you and to embrace with passion those things that make me more like you. In the name of Jesus my Lord I pray. Amen.

Today, I am thankful for:
- 4 months with my special guy
- pampering night with the girls
- dinner at home
- flowers
- friends
- giving people
- a gracious God
- my job (even when it is overwhelming)


Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. — Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...
While the road ahead of us may be clouded with questions and concerns, we can look back and see the many ways God has acted in our behalf to get us to the places we need to be. But more than just us, we see his work through history and we can take assurance that his promises are true and his victory in us is assured.

My Prayer...
Almighty God, I believe that before there was a world, you existed. I trust that even now you sustain our world with your word of grace. I am confident that before the future arrives you are already there preparing it for us. Help me in those moments when I am not so confident to remember my faith today and to press on trusting that you are there waiting with your grace. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Today, I am thankful for:
- relaxing weekends
- thoughtful friends
- encouraging sermons
- faith in action
- wisdom of Christian friends
- safe travels
- dinner with friends
- holding hands and warm hugs

“Anything you did even for the least of my people here, you did also for me.” Matthew 25:40

What is one sign of a Christian? Their scholarship? Their willingness to go to foreign lands? Their ability to amass an audience and preach? Their skillful pens and hope-filled volumes? . . . No.

One sign of the Christian is their love for the least . . .

No fanfare. No hoopla. No media coverage. Just good people doing good things. For when we do good things to others we do good things to God.

Today, I am thankful for:
- good exercise
- a good nights rest
- date nights
- my family
- plans coming together
- new day, with new beginnings
- answered prayers


“Think only about the things in heaven.” Colossians 3:2

Engaged people are obsessed with preparation. The right dress. The right weight. The right hair and the right tux. They want everything to be right. Why? So their fiancée will marry them? No. Just the opposite. They want to look their best because their fiancée is marrying them.

The same is true for us. We want to look our best for Christ. We want our hearts to be pure and our thoughts to be clean . . . We want to be prepared.

Today, I am thankful for:
- my wonderful fiancee', he takes sure good care of me
- my mom and aunt for taking care of my wedding dress
- my sister, gena and her thoughtfulness in making my day special
- my friends, who are so much fun to be around
- weekend plans
- Sunday afternoon naps
- hugs
- a good nights rest
- uplifting worship

“Unfriendly people are selfish.” Proverbs 18:1

We’re in a fast-moving, fast-paced society. We need to build bridges between our hearts and those of people who need a friend—and allow Jesus to cross that bridge of friendship and walk into their lives . . .

Whether or not you are friendly could determine whether or not someone hears about Jesus.

Today, I am thankful for:
- safety in my home
- evening talks with Derek
- fun with the softball team
- a great group of girls to study the Bible with
- weekends

By Max Lucado

“Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4, NASB

What’s the cure for selfishness?

Get your self out of your eye by getting your eye off yourself. Quit staring at that little self and focus on your great Savior . . .

Focus on the encouragement in Christ, the consolation of Christ, the love of Christ, the fellowship of the Spirit, the affection and compassion of heaven.

Today, I am thankful for:
- sunshine
- my niece and nephews
- time with Derek, even in the small things
- my granddad, Poppy
- a vehicle to get to and from work
- a good night's rest
- mornings that go smoothly
- Bible study with the girls

A New Heart

“You were taught to be made new in your hearts, to become a new person.” Ephesians 4:23

What if, for one day and one night, Jesus lives your life with his heart? Your heart gets the day off, and your life is led by the heart of the Christ. His priorities govern your actions. His passions drive your decisions. His love directs your behavior . . .

Would people notice a change? Would you still do what you had planned to do for the next twenty-four hours?

Daily Devotional By Max Lucado

Today, I am thankful for:
- a wonderful night out with the girls
- healing for friends
- avenue of prayer!
- the love of my life, Derek. He is always amazing me!
- for my family
- my job
- safe travels to work in the rain
- the scriptures that remind me of how wonderful God is!

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"
— Matthew 4:4 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Like Esau, we get so diverted by the mundane things of life and the growling of our bellies, we forget the longer range view of things. God's Word, his written Word the Bible, his demonstrated Word in Jesus, and his proclaimed Word in the Gospel are what can sustain us eternally. This is the living bread we seek.

My Prayer...

True and Faithful God, through your Holy Spirit create in me a hunger for your Word that is much more necessary for my life than my hunger for food. I confess that at times I have been distracted by the mundane things of life and have not sought your Word and have not nourished my soul as fully as I could. Please forgive me as I re-commit myself to be more attentive to your leading and your truth through your Word and by your Spirit. In the name Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Today, I am thankful for:
- a productive weekend
- a loving family
- Derek and everything that comes with him
- friends
- prayers to God when we don't know what to do

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
— Ephesians 3:20-21 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Of all the names for God in the Bible, this is my favorite: "Him who is Able to Do Immeasurably More." Our God is the same God who parted the Red Sea and fed 5,000 on a green hillside with only a couple of sardine sandwiches. He longs to do more than we can ask or imagine! Unfortunately most of us haven't really given him much of a challenge with our wimpy dreams and shallow prayers. Let's dream big dreams for God. Then hang on for the ride that is more than we can even imagine!

My Prayer...

Almighty and Awesome God, do in our day what you did in past days. Give us faith to believe and then amaze us at how shortsighted our faith really was. Give us vision to see your plan and believe you long to do greater things. We ask this, not for ourselves or our reputation, but for your glory and the salvation of our world. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Today, I am thankful for:
- weekend with family
- good times with friends
- cooler temperatures for those around me
- a rain shower that replenishes the flowers
- the words 'I love you'
- God's grace
- opportunity to go to God in prayer
- forgiveness
- the healing hand of God
- safe travels

We Win!

You Have Won!
By Max Lucado

“This is the victory that conquers the world—our faith.” 1 John 5:4

What is unique about the kingdom of God is that you are assured of victory. You have won!

If you have no faith in the future, then you have no power in the present. If you have no faith in the life beyond this life, then your present life is going to be powerless. But if you believe in the future and are assured of victory, then there should be a dance in your step and a smile on your face.

Today, I am thankful for the victory I have in Christ.

As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him.
— Psalm 18:30 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

God is a shield whose Word can be trusted. His way is not only true, but it is also life-giving. But, we must take refuge in him if his flawless word and his perfect way are going to be blessings and his presence is going to bless us as our shield. Our allegiance, reliance, and dependence must be voluntarily placed in him and lives must be committed to living by flawless word.

My Prayer...

God of our Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I trust my soul and future to you. You are my strength and shield. Please protect and guard me, my family, and your church from the Evil One. Please keep us physically safe, spiritually vibrant, and morally upright as we serve you this summer and seek to honor your will by obeying your Word. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Today, I am thankful for:
- a wonderful vacation with friends
- meeting with two wonderful couples to learn how to have a marriage that lasts a lifetime
- my husband-to-be
- my mother who is being patient and helping me with wedding plans
- the sunshine
- things coming together and checking items off the list
- a job that provides for me and allows me to help those around me.

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