Well as the day approaches, I get more excited but nervous at the same time. My dad asked me on Thursday, "What are you worried about the most?". I told him I didn't like the word worry because I am not suppose to be doing that, so I prefer the word nervous or scared. The answer to the question was finding a job. I have had several interviews, but nothing has panned out yet. I know that God is looking out for me and will provide what I need. I just need to learn to be patient, but at the same time that is something I struggle with and I am careful to pray for because he always puts obstacles in my way to help me learn patience.
But all in all I am excited. I have a new experience waiting for me and I am going to welcome it with open arms.
There is a congregation there called Brentwood Hills and they are already taking care of me, even though they don't know me and I haven't even arrived yet. But that just shows me how God is looking out for me.
I will miss my friends here, but as the old Michael W. Smith goes... Friends are Friends Forever if the Lord is Lord of them!!!