Two Weeks!

The time is drawing near for me and my team to be leaving for Argentina. We visited with the Elders today, for them to give us their blessing and offer prayers for us. That made it a little more real that is wont be long now. I am excited yet a little nervous, it is getting down to the wire and I am not feeling as prepared as I would like.
Which also brings to the fact that it is also about two weeks til school is out. I am praying so hard that this semester has a good ending. I have never studied this much in my life, so I am hoping that it is going to pay off in the long run.
I have two weeks to come up with the money or figure out a way to pay my bills while I am gone.

I will be glad when I can have a day to relax and try not to think about everything. But I am trying to remember that God is in control and he will provide everything I need.

Please bear with me the next few weeks, as I try to keep focused on what is important.. God!
I am going to try and be upbeat and not stress, but I can not make any promises... But remember I still love and care about you and that I am not trying to ignore you or be rude. I just might be more reserved than normal.

I am thankful for:
my parents (being there for me and giving me the change from dinner)
today not being as stressful as the last few Sundays have been
a safe trip to and from Memphis in May
not getting sick from being out in the cold and rain for 8 hours
sean giving me a hug when i need it
my 1st and 2nd grade class they are seeking what is right and for answers for a mature interest in pursuing a life as a Christian
the avenue of pray

Memphis in May
The music was Great! But the mud, cold and rain were not. I think I would have enjoyed it a lot more, if I was not stiff and freezing from being soaked. Since my raincoat was not water proof. I think is was water absorbing coat. I think I have been to one Memphis in May that it didn't rain, but this was my first for it to rain pretty much the entire time I was there.

I think that should invest in a few more tents, just in case and a few of those heater like they have during football season, so we could dry out before having to ride home in wet and cold clothes.

We definitely had a bonding experience. But I think Sean and Dave found out that I not much of a trooper when I am freezing and wet. I think I did good though, I only complained a little ( I hope)

Thanks for taking me and for putting up with me when I was not so pleasurable.
I love you guys!

The Double Decker Festival was very crowded this year. But I got to spend a little time with a friend I haven't seen in a while. There were several very good artists and that is always enjoyable for me. I didn't stay long because beyond the art there was a more important place to be.

Ole Miss Baseball
We shut out State and it was awesome!!! It was the shortest college baseball game I have been to, but it was fun while it lasted. I am so glad that we are back on a winning streak game. Let's hope we can keep it up.
That was a great way to end the week. (and it didn't rain and wasn't too cold... especially since I took my blanket)
Go Rebels!!!!

Carla and I

Carla and I
Originally uploaded by gerbdaisies.
The wedding has come and gone in a whirl wind. She is now on her honeymoon... having a blast I'm sure.
We had a moment to take a quick photo before she had to catch the carriage.
I pray that she will be as happy as she is today for the rest of her life!

I am feeling a little overwhelmed these days. School is coming to an end and ALL my teachers think that means get in as much work as possible but when you are taking 18 hours that has new meaning. This past week was very stressful for me... I had 4 test, a presentation, a quiz, multiple homework assignments, 2 slide shows, office duties at work, my sister was getting married on Saturday and on top of all that it hit me Sunday night that my sister was getting married. I thought that I would do better with this wedding since it was the second one but that was not the case. I still think about it but this to shall pass.
Now to a new week... with 3 tests, finishing up my last week at the center, designing a website, meeting for LST, meeting with my marketing group twice, going to study sessions and completing accounting homework.... it is starting to look like last week (except no wedding)
I am ready for a breath of fresh air because I am forgetting what that feels like.

I am thankful for my friends... they have given me a shoulder to cry on VERY much lately and I am very grateful. I don't know what I would do without them.

I am thankful for Matt: he is so patient with my while helping me with my Spanish homework ( I would be failing this class if it wasn't for him) and for running errands for me on the day of the wedding. For listening to me and allowing me to vent on you.

I am thankful:
For Sean and Dave making me smile with I didn't think that I had it in me. (like the walmart adventure... sean)
For all the hugs and the compliments on the day of the wedding.
For my sister,Gena, who loves me just the way I am and for the time we got to spend to together this week
For all the people who gave us money for LST (we have it all .... thanks to many prayers answered)
For the Lord helping me though another day!!

Family at Wedding
Originally uploaded by gerbdaisies.
Taking one last family photo before the newly weds are off. We now have another new addition to the family. (like we need more addition...oh well the price you pay for having a big family).
Although it does come in handy sometimes.
Just thought those who read this might like a preview of what the wedding was like. Enjoy.

There is a lot going on and I am exhausted but I am happy. I feel better than I have in a long time and it is a good feeling. I am blessed with wonderful friendships. I have laughed so much the last couple of days and I needed that so much!
I just get tired thinking about everything...only 4 weeks of school left before finals, I leave for Argentina a month from Saturday, Carla is getting married next weekend, the retreat is this weekend, so much homework and all my teachers are trying to get in as much work as possible before the semester ends and trying to figure how I am going to pay my bills while I am gone and when I get back.
But in spite of all of this I am happy. God will provide.. and for that I am thankful!!!!

I am so excited about this weekend. I love football season and I am excited about the Red/Blue game tomorrow. It is going to be fun getting a glimpse what next season will be like. It is amazing the kind of excitement that a football brings and all the preparation that goes into it, from practices, to practices, from picking out what to wear, where to place a tent, when to leave, where you are going to sit and so on. It is so much fun.
Sometimes I think of events like this and then think of what the day when Jesus comes back will be like. I think that all the blessings and the wonderful events in our lives are just a glimpse of what is to come.
So my thought for today is are we ready for the return or are we just enjoying with previews? Let's make sure that we enjoy the previews but keep Jesu first in our lives so that we get to enjoy heaven!

Have fun this weekend! (it will be 4 months before we get to enjoy an Ole Miss again)

I know that a few of my post have not been very up beat or happy. But today is better. I have felt better the last several days than I have in a long time. I am making head way in my studies and feeling like the semester is going well. I have few things that I need to work harder on but just a few and that is good. I am feeling very blessed.
I have been trying to get my apartment in order and make it feel like home, that is not going as well as I would like, but that is were patience comes in and I am working on that. I was needing something to put socks and that sort of thing in since I don't have a dresser and my soon to be brother-in-law hooked me up and I am so excited! (so I am making progress) I hung a few pictures up too.
I feel better about the relationships conflicts I was having. I talked to them to make sure that we were on the same page...well if we weren't we are now and I feel so much better about that. I am realizing more and more that it is not always easy to do what Jesus would do, but I feel so much better when I do what he would do. Even though sometimes it may not be my fault, but if I know that someone feels something against me it is my job to do what I can to fix it. Sometimes it takes sucking up my pride! (but once I have done it.. I feel so much better) Praying is always a help and something that I am doing more of, not just praying by myself but getting prayers from others. I am so glad that I have God in my life and I am realizing that more and more as I get older.
Things are looking up for our trip to Argentina. We are getting our funds together and our training is going well. So that has taken a lot of stress away. We will be on our way before we know it. I am so excited about sharing what Jesus has done in my life with my readers.
I talked to my sister, Gena today. I miss the relationship that we once had, but I am feeling like we are getting it back. We talk more and are finding that we have more in common (even though she is married and has a child) than we thought. I am so thankful for our talks and we I could see her more. They will be moving soon when Adam (her husband) gets a new job, so we have discussed how cool it would be to live near each when I graduate. So we will have to see how that all works out.

I am so blessed and I am so thankful for all the positive things that I have come out of all the negative that I was feeling the last year. Things really do work out for those who love the Lord!

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