I am feeling a little overwhelmed these days. School is coming to an end and ALL my teachers think that means get in as much work as possible but when you are taking 18 hours that has new meaning. This past week was very stressful for me... I had 4 test, a presentation, a quiz, multiple homework assignments, 2 slide shows, office duties at work, my sister was getting married on Saturday and on top of all that it hit me Sunday night that my sister was getting married. I thought that I would do better with this wedding since it was the second one but that was not the case. I still think about it but this to shall pass.
Now to a new week... with 3 tests, finishing up my last week at the center, designing a website, meeting for LST, meeting with my marketing group twice, going to study sessions and completing accounting homework.... it is starting to look like last week (except no wedding)
I am ready for a breath of fresh air because I am forgetting what that feels like.
I am thankful for my friends... they have given me a shoulder to cry on VERY much lately and I am very grateful. I don't know what I would do without them.
I am thankful for Matt: he is so patient with my while helping me with my Spanish homework ( I would be failing this class if it wasn't for him) and for running errands for me on the day of the wedding. For listening to me and allowing me to vent on you.
I am thankful:
For Sean and Dave making me smile with I didn't think that I had it in me. (like the walmart adventure... sean)
For all the hugs and the compliments on the day of the wedding.
For my sister,Gena, who loves me just the way I am and for the time we got to spend to together this week
For all the people who gave us money for LST (we have it all .... thanks to many prayers answered)
For the Lord helping me though another day!!