I know that a few of my post have not been very up beat or happy. But today is better. I have felt better the last several days than I have in a long time. I am making head way in my studies and feeling like the semester is going well. I have few things that I need to work harder on but just a few and that is good. I am feeling very blessed.
I have been trying to get my apartment in order and make it feel like home, that is not going as well as I would like, but that is were patience comes in and I am working on that. I was needing something to put socks and that sort of thing in since I don't have a dresser and my soon to be brother-in-law hooked me up and I am so excited! (so I am making progress) I hung a few pictures up too.
I feel better about the relationships conflicts I was having. I talked to them to make sure that we were on the same page...well if we weren't we are now and I feel so much better about that. I am realizing more and more that it is not always easy to do what Jesus would do, but I feel so much better when I do what he would do. Even though sometimes it may not be my fault, but if I know that someone feels something against me it is my job to do what I can to fix it. Sometimes it takes sucking up my pride! (but once I have done it.. I feel so much better) Praying is always a help and something that I am doing more of, not just praying by myself but getting prayers from others. I am so glad that I have God in my life and I am realizing that more and more as I get older.
Things are looking up for our trip to Argentina. We are getting our funds together and our training is going well. So that has taken a lot of stress away. We will be on our way before we know it. I am so excited about sharing what Jesus has done in my life with my readers.
I talked to my sister, Gena today. I miss the relationship that we once had, but I am feeling like we are getting it back. We talk more and are finding that we have more in common (even though she is married and has a child) than we thought. I am so thankful for our talks and we I could see her more. They will be moving soon when Adam (her husband) gets a new job, so we have discussed how cool it would be to live near each when I graduate. So we will have to see how that all works out.

I am so blessed and I am so thankful for all the positive things that I have come out of all the negative that I was feeling the last year. Things really do work out for those who love the Lord!


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