It has been a little while since I wrote, so I am going to try and just fill you in a little bit about what has been going on.... I have taken two tests in summer school .... i have attended class everyday (yes, everyday) .... i have worked about 15 hours at work.... i have studied (a lot, but i guess i could have studied a lot more)... i have helped give a presentation about our LST trip, i have hung out with some of my friends, i have laid by the pool, and this weekend I studied for my next spanish test, i swam at the pool, did laundry, went to a wedding, bought some new teeny shoes, went to a birthday party and then went to see Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I was a little disappointed with how the movie was... although I love Johnny Depp (and I enjoyed his one liners), but I still prefer the old version. So there you have it what i have been up to since my last post.
But I will have to say that I have heard two wonderful sermons during that time too. Bob (the preacher at Oxford) always has a way of saying just what I need to hear. Last week, the sermon was about being lonely. I could relate so much. I know what it feels like to be in a group of people and to feel lonely. But Bob reminded me that I am not alone with God! It is amazing how often I feel so alone and never think about God being there with me. I struggle so much with the need of feeling someone's touch when I am struggling to the point that I forget that God is with me and his touch is there, in the peace that I have through prayer. Which brings me to this weeks sermon on Risky Prayers, something I don't pray. I am not a person that likes change unless I am the one doing the changing. With this problem, I tend pray safe prayers. You know the saying you pray for patience and God is going to give you ways to use it. Well that is where I am. I am trying to pray risky prayers. It is so hard, to let God be in total control! But I am 27 years old and it is past time for God to be in total control. So if that means changing my plans (since I am kinda of a planned person) and letting God make my plans. For example: I want to move from Oxford, I want to go somewhere new, but that might not be what God wants. He might have plans for me here and need to learn to be content with that. And instead of thinking about how much I want to move, think about how is God using me in Oxford and what ways is he trying to use me that I am not doing. Praying Risky Prayers? Hmmm.... got to get on the ball!
Today I am thankful for:
Rena and Angie, I enjoyed lunch with you guys the other day. You both are so special to me (and I am listening to your advise... )
My adopted dad, Eric, for patiently reading my posts and emailing me while I was in Argentina. And for putting up with me when I run to his wife for a hug and don't even say Hi.... I am going to do better, I promise!
Bob and the ability he has to tell me what I need to hear!
My parents for loving me always
Gena and Davis and the relationship that we have, that is getting stronger everyday! I love you guys! (God is working, you will see!)
Wonderful examples that show me what Christ looks like!!
Hehe... (*laughs at own attempt at humor*)
Yep yep. Smile and nod.