My 5 questions from TraceTalks:

1. Top 3 reasons I decided to go to Argentina:

A. I had been on LST missions before and loved meeting new people and sharing my faith with them and I wanted the opportunity to do it again (also I will be graduating soon and I wasn’t sure if I would get the opportunity again)
B. I wanted to spend the summer with my closest friends, and what better way than in Argentina sharing my faith. (A great experience to share with friends)
C. I love to travel and see other places in the world. I am financially limited, so have a reason and being able to see the world on the side sounds great to me.

2. How are my sisters alike and how are they we different?
I think the way we are most alike is that we are all Christians and that has helped us get through our differences. We are all active in church activities, such as teaching Bible classes. We all want Christian husbands (some are more successful than others and that is how we different). We all love being outside doing outdoor activities. We are all daddies’ girls. We all like our sleep, but some like it at different times (for example Gena goes to bed early and sleeps in (but not since she is a mom), I go to bed late and sleep in even later, Carrie is like me and Carla is in between). We have the same smile, growing up we liked to share clothes and like a lot of the same foods and are all pretty picky (some more than others).
Ways we are different:
Carla and Gena are married
Gena has Davis (my nephew)
Carrie and I are still in school
Our interest in jobs and careers are different
Gena is a homebody, the rest of us not so much
Carla, Gena and Carrie loved Harding (I never went, Christian school was not for me)
We all have different ways to handle our problems, and this usually can cause fights between us.
I would say that we are more alike than we are different, even though our overall personalities can be very different, when it comes to interest such as movies, music, and friends (we do have a lot of the same ones though).

3. What makes art and design so intriguing to you?
I like creating things and making things look good. Most people will buy something depending on how it looks, so if the design is poor they are not going to buy it. That is where I come in. I love crafty type things and drawing. I love to see what other people can create, that is why I love art museums and shows. It is always interesting to me, to ask how did that think of that? what was going on in their life and mind at the time? Just like music (what inspired them to write the words they wrote)
A lot of times art comes from making a lot out of something little, like using junk at home and putting it together to make something interesting. Also art is something that will last, just like a picture. Every art has its own personality and that makes it special.

4. Five Memories or lessons you will carry with you from Argentina for the rest of my life
(These are not in a particular order)

A. Patience is a special gift and I don’t have a lot of it. Reading with different people and understanding why they believe the things they do takes patience, because I want them to know Christ and how much better life if they were living for him. Being patient, knowing you can’t have it your way all the time and being considerate of other people’s habits and behaviors. Not everyone thinks and acts like me. (Thank goodness)

B. Communication and honesty is very important! Every problem we came across this trip was all about communication. If we had just said what we were thinking or asked instead of assuming, things could have gone a lot smoother when there was conflict. Just being honest about how you are feeling and the desires you have. No one will know unless you tell him or her.

C. God is with me and anything is possible with Him! There were times where patience had run out, bodies where tired and sick, taxis were lost, hearts were broken and homes were missed but God helped us through it all! We always made it home, prayers were ALWAYS being answers and love was always being shown from those around us.

D. People need the Lord! There are so many people that just don’t know what they are missing. There are people here who have so many problems and are looking for a solution and I wish that they would look to God. There are so many people that need to hear God’s word and need to be loved as Christ loves us.

E. Friendship is priceless! We have made some friends and I hope that we will see them in heaven one day, but I would not have made it through this trip without my friends. When times were tough there was always someone there to pick up the pieces. When you think you can’t go anymore there is someone there to lend a hand or carry a bag. When you are missing the comforts of home, you know that one comfort from home is with you… My Friends!

5. Tell me about a time in your life that you look back at and say, “I will never do that again!”

Wow, there is so many! I guess most importantly what is on my mind right now, is relationships. There are lots of things I would never do again when it comes to dating someone. I have a list of what I am looking for and settling for less is something that I will never do again. God has a plan for me and he wants nothing but the best for me, therefore I should not want anything but the best for myself.

Now, by Tracey's instructions, I will interview the first three people responding to this post. The rules are as follows:

1. Leave me a comment saying “interview me.”

2. I will respond by asking you five questions here on my blog (not the same questions you see here).

3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1 Comment:

  1. tracey said...
    I loved it, Ann! I especially enjoyed reading about you and your sisters. And I am glad you have such great lessons to bring home with you and keep for the rest of your life! Thanks for letting me bloggerview you. =)

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