Off to another year...

I haven't made any New Year's Resolution, since they are usually the things I want to do this year will be goals instead of resolutions....since I am pretty good at keeping my of my goals is to read the Bible in a year...I have a daily Bible reading schedule and I have someone keeping me accountable to so we will see how this goes...I am excited about it...I know it is going to help me....another goal of mine is to get into shape....I have been running and have lost a few pounds...but I would like to keep it up not only to lose weight but to be in sister is getting married in about 16 weeks so that is another reason to watch my more goal is to do well in my classes so that I will not have to retake any and still graduate in December.....
This year has many new challenges....I have already seen a few and know there is many more to come....but even in times of disappointed or failure I am going to try to have an Unspeakable Joy (like Bob said in his sermon Sunday)....knowing that no matter what happens God is in control and everything will be OK.

Today I am thankful for:
A New Year to start over
Friends that can keep me accountable in the good and the bad
The abiility to ask for forgiveness when I make mistakes
My phone to call a friend when I need advice
A church family that loves me and looks out for me
The ability to read so that I can read the Bible
The ability to run so that I can get into shape
All my blessings which I take for granted
My sister, Gena and the time we have gotten to spend together over the break HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


1 Comment:

  1. J said...
    Here's to another good year at the UCSC. Good luck this semester.

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