Time for Reflection

I have been overwhelmed by school....as you can tell in my last post. But now that seems to not be a priority at the moment. (Yes, I am still doing my school work but I have other things on my mind). The Let's Start Talking Team I am on traveled to Nashville this past weekend to have some Intensive Training for this summer's mission trip. Boy, was it intense. We learned a lot each other and how we will work as a team....but most of all we talked about what this mission is all about....IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS and about WEEPING FOR THE LOST..
These thoughts have been heavy on my mind since this weekend and I know that I do not truely weep for the lost as often or like I should. But most of all....the reason I am here is because IT IS ALL ABOUT JESUS....I am here to seek and save the lost.....not to get a degree, hang out with friends, watch TV, go to sporting events, travel and the list goes on... even though these things are not bad and add bonus to my life they are just not what my life should be about. But they are what consumes me... I don't go into class everyday thinking what would Jesus do in this situation, or when someone cuts me off when I am driving, or the drive thru people get my order wrong I don't think Jesus loves them too or they might be having a bad day and need a smile or a word of encouragement.
But I think that if I lived life as if it was ALL about Jesus like it should be....I would be a better person and be more aware of those around me (which in most cases is the lost).

I will be studying with lost in Argentina this summer, but what is stopping me from studying or sharing with the lost in Oxford?

As one of my youth ministers said everyday you walk out the door you are NOW ENTERING YOUR MISSION FIELD!

This summer will not be my first mission trip....I can truly say that mission work is an experience like none other...so if you have the opportunity to go on foreign missions, take that opportunity. It is an honor to share what God has done for you...so don't keep it a secret share it with those around you.

Just a thought for you.... Are you weeping for the lost? and Who is your life all about?

1 Comment:

  1. Boom-Shaka-Laka said...

    Heather told me that you took offense to my post about Oxford and Starkville....

    I am sincerely sorry for this. It was simply a joke as I know that most of the ones reading her blog are UM students. As a die hard MSU fan, it was simply a friendly exchange, or so I thought.

    So, I apologize for offending you. Please accept this.


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