
School is in full force and I am feeling it. I have lots of homework already and can see that the semester is going to be a busy one. Accounting is already kicking my behind and I have only worked on the first homework assignment...but I have my first quiz tomorrow ( I am taking the class online, so I am trying to get used to that).
My marketing and management classes I think are going to be OK (a lot of lecturing and writing notes)....Spanish is going to be tough (I haven't had it in 4 years and the teacher said on the first day this would be the last time we would hear English)...can I say stressed! But most of all my graphic design class is going to be fun....I am going to learn html code and web design! I am so excited! It will be my stress relief from everything else.
So there you have it a semester full of ....well I don't know what yet...

The center work will be in my schedule too ....which has been overwhelming too the last few days (when it rains it pours)

I am thankful for Casey's lesson Wednesday night...it was very encouraging. We talked about having agape friendships (the word love is so over used we are going to call sincere love "agape". We are trying to develop this kind of friendship with those around us. I am so encourage by that .... I really want to strive to have that kind of friendship with my friends.

I am also thankful for my adopted parents, especially my adopted mom, she is so wonderful. She has provided a shoulder to cry on when I needed it and last night I needed it. Thanks Angie

I am also thankful for Sean and Dave and the relationship we have. I feel like we have the agape friendship Casey is talking about. They always know how to make me smile and when I am overwhelmed they are not another log on my fire and whne things are going great they are still there and we have a great time together...thanks guys! I am really looking forward to sharing the Good News in Argentina with you this summer.

I am thankful that the things that fell apart at the center, broke when they did (even though it was all at once and stressful)....I don't know what I would have done if I had been really underway with classes....so there was something positive about all of this.

I am thankful for the people that have given me money so far for the mission trip I am going on this summer.. I am only $200 short of the half way mark which is $1500. God is working!

I am thankful for the life that I have to live to make an impact in someone else's life for God...I pray that I will be able to do that to my full potential!

1 Comment:

  1. J said...
    You are going to learn HTML. Oh boy and Good luck. I'm here if you need any help.

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