One week left...

well the christmas break is almost over and i will be back to my old routine again of work and school (but I do squeeze fun in there too....probably more often than I should)........a week from today the residents will start returning to prepare for another semester....i hope that we have a great semester ahead of us....i am looking forward to the semester with mix emotions and lots of goals...
1. i am getting closer to graduation (only if all my classes workout as planned)...
2. i will be applying myself, so i don't have to retake classes and i hope to not be taking classes i don't need (right, dave)....
3. i will be preparing for my mission trip this summer and trying to make sure all of my school stuff is taken care of before I leave...
4. my sister is getting married (so i am trying to lose weight and then i have to find a pink dress)
5. i am doing some form of exercise everyday (that is the far so good)
6. i am working on reading the Bible in a year...thanks Matt for holding me to this
7. i will be taking care of my responsiblities at the ucsc resident manager
8. i will be serving in the area of planning events such as parenting dinner, teacher appreciation banquet, ucsc get together and whatever else is put before me (maybe I should get my degree in party planning and organization)
9. Most of all I want to get out of my comfort zone and share my faith...LIVE AS IF I WERE DYING

I have a busy semester ahead...I am looking forward to all it will bring, but I am kinda of ready to get started so that I will quit thinking about all that needs to be done....but I have one week to prepare and to enjoy being out of school...I still have a little time to get things in order.

Casey had some good thoughts Wednesday night in class...we talked about appling what we have learned from the Fall semester class on 1 Peter...there was lots to think about and many ways to serve. It is time for me to get out of my confront zone and start REALLY living for God. (Bible study = Imitation) God is the only one I need to impress...not the world!
As you have probably heard the saying....Actions speak louder than words...something that goes right along with it....YOU MIGHT BE THE ONLY BIBLE SOMEONE IS what are you or am I telling them?

I am looking forward to each new day that I have to live for my youth minister once said...when you leave your house each day remember you are now entering your mission field! I hope that I am able to keep this in mind with the new semester ahead and keep things in prespective with all the activities and responsibilities that will come my way.

Today I am thankful for:
The people in my life that told me about Christ
New beginnings and opportunities to share my faith
The time I got to spend with Tracey today...thanks again for Lost
People to keep me accountable and on the right track
The simple acts of kindness shown to me the last few days


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