Well the end is near, so it is time to get organized and relax. The end is coming whether I like it or not, so I better be prepared for it. I have the next few days to get my notes together and begin studying. I have to start making a specific schedule and managing my time.
I have started working for my dad again (got a raise... that is always nice... you would think they are trying to keep me for something), so I am trying to bet organized and get my system down to be the most productive. But my sister will working in my place while I am gone to Argentina so I have get things organized for her too.
We have a least one more work day for LST before we leave in a little over a week. There is organization needed there too.
So as you can see there is a theme to my life right now, but I feel pretty good about it because organization happens to one of my gifts. ( at least a feel like it is.... I am detail oriented)
But I feel like things are starting to come together and I know it is because God is at my side and he has put people in my life to help me along the way.
Today I am thankful for
a good job
the guys I work with making me smile and laugh which is something I feel like I haven't done in a long time
my friends that are patient with me and who put up with me when my attitude is not very pleasant... You guys are AWESOME!
the avenue of pray... I have been seeing God working lately (not that he doesn't always... but it is really obvious right now)
the extension the my class received on our final assignment
a new day to try and do better
1 Comment:
- tracey said...
6:55 AMSo glad you got that extension! It was good seeing you smile last night. I'll miss you guys while you're gone!!