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Interesting Days..

The last few days have been kinda of interesting...Saturday we had family pictures made and they turned out great...I was very pleased thanks are awesome...then I went to a wedding and that was really interesting...Sunday I taught Sunday school...I teach 1st and 2nd grade but very smart 1st and 2nd grader I must say...they asked me How does God exist if he doesn't have parents and he wasn't born?....well what would you say to 7 and 8 year olds?....just a thought...then Sunday night we had an imprompto fellowship with the leftovers from the wedding...I am not a person who eats leftovers, so I had a few vegetables....needless to say I was still hungry when I got home...but the night was young...I had to go to Tupelo at 11 o'clock that night to pick up a friend who was coming in for the my day ended about 2:30 in the morning...since it is my vacation you would think that I would get to sleep in....not the case for this morning I was going to Memphis with Angie (my adopted mom), my mom, my aunt and my I had to be ready to leave by 8:30 Monday morning....we had a great time at the scholastic book warehouse and then had lunch at the cracker barrel...I can home a took a 30 minute that I would be ready to go see Lemmy Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate was a great movie....very different but very enjoyable....I will be reading the rests of the books (since I got the whole series at the book warehouse) if I can apply myself so that I can see what else happens.... today...I plan to get some lst minute shopping done and finish the gifts I am making...that is interesting as well because they are not working out as planned.

Today I am thankful for:
Time to myself to get things done
My adopted parents ....they are awesome!!
My grandparents feeling a little better
Extra money to finish my christmas gifts

Only a few more days til Christmas....


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