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I have thinking lately about the future...since there is light in the tunnel with my graduation day at the end...I have plans to move and get a job....but right now, there is more growing up at hand....I talked to my dad last monday about our family and how we are growing up and my sisters are starting to have families of their we are having to change the way we do things on holidays..(when you have a big family working around everyone's schedule is not always easy).....this Christmas we have two couples to work around instead of feelings have gotten hurt and there has been a lot of disappointment...why does growing up have to be so hard?..........I think that it is not necessarily the growing up that is hard it is the change or changes that come with it that are have to change what once was consistent to an inconstitency and the unknown....I personally don't like change unless I am in control of the change and it was my decision (even then it is not always easy) this has been somewhat difficult for me....the thing that I am feeling is the feeling of being left sisters have moved on and I am still in the same place doing the same things...just like at the center I have been there so long that I have had to make new friends almost every year because so many move on and I am left behind..also leaving behind the familiar (like me past) to be a better is like starting all over again (only in the same place with the same surroundings)...making new friends..deciding that Christianity is a lifetime committment with a lifestyle commitment.....I want to be "the new kid in town" for a lack of better terms.... have decided that growing up is difficult because it is part of life and life is not easy...we don't do things on our terms, but on God's patience plays a big factor and that is something I am lacking a lot of....
So in all of this I am learning to be patient and wait on God's timing.....I will be "the new kid in town" when that is what He wants for me...for now I have to compromise, accept changes and try to be happy about it regardless if it is what I want....since it is not always about Christians we are to be about others...just like Christ.

Today I am thankful for:
the struggles that I have that make me stronger
the lessons that I learn in life that make me a better person
the Bible that teaches me how to be patient and accept the things I can not change
the time I have to spend with friends and family
being loved by so many
answered prayers

Only 3 more days til Christmas...


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