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Today I only have reasons to be thankful....I have prayed a lot about Christmas and how I didn't like the holiday because I couldn't afford to buy any gifts. I was worrying and stressed to the point that I was not enjoying my break. I am thankful for prayer because the Lord heard those prayers and I have been blessed in costless ways. My adopted parents took me out to dinner last night and then we went to their house to hang out...little did I know I would be shower with gifts. They are awesome...not just because of the gifts but because of the thoughts and time that they put into our relationship. Today I was at the center at the right time....I was blessed with another gift. This gift will allow me to buy the gifts I wanted to for my family and allow me to purchase the last minute things to finish the items I am making for friends and family. Even with all of this there has been so much more...I have had friends that send notes of encouragement, give smiles and hugs...just to let me know they care.

I love doing things for the Lord because I know how much Him wants me to be a servant of His and for Him. I have always tried to do everything as if I were doing it for the my dad and granddad have taught me....But this Christmas I have truly realize that God will take care of me...If I live for Him I have no worries!!! I have been trying to let go and let can be done...

My advice today is look to those around you who care about you...let them know your struggles .....let them pray with you...and rely on God....He will take care of you no matter what...and one way He does that is through your Christian family...let them be your family...let Him and them help you.

I hope that everyone has a blessed holiday thankful for family and friends and the time that you have with them...rather than worrying about not having any money or any gifts to give.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    I am thankful, first of all, that I am done with this stupid paper. It may not be very good, but it's done!!
    On a related note, I am thankful for my friends who supported me while I wrote this paper by verbally kicking my butt. I need that, and one day hopefully, I will listen.
    I ask you to pray that I will not let something like this happen again. I have no excuse whatsoever. For some reason, though, I like to play rather than work, which is okay to an extent. However, God calls us to be productive servants, dilligent in everything we do, and that includes our careers and schoolwork. I've already realized one goal for next semester: not that I'll start assignments on the day they're assigned (noble as that goal is), but rather the more attainable goal of actually completing something before it needs to be completed.
    Thanks Ann, Sean, and all the rest of you for your friendship. I love ya'll!

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