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It is of my favorite days of the week when I don't have class. I like Fridays because they begin the weekend and I don't have to get up early the next day (saturday) which means I can stay up as late as I want. We have been going to movies on Fridays and I love that makes my Fridays even better.

Although yesterday was a good day as well. A few weeks ago, I entered a poster contest for a ceramic sale that the art association was having on campus. I placed in the semifinals, so I won a piece of pottery. I was so excited, because when I had critique in class on the poster there was not very many people that liked it. Did I say I AM SO EXCITED!!!!

I also had lunch with one of my classmates and invited her to church with me. I am glad that I have made a friend in my class, because sometimes I feel like I just go to class and leave. Also by knowing people in my classes I feel like that means I am getting somewhere...and you say where is that...well you start having classes with the same people on a regular basis when you are in your guess what that means for me!!....I am starting to develop a major and getting to know the people in my I am getting close to graduating!!. I plan to graduate in December 2005. ( lord willing). But making friends and seeing light at the end of the tunnel has helped me realize I can do this and that there is Hope. (which was once lost)

I am enjoying my Friday. We are going to see the movie Ray tonight. I think it will be an enjoyable time. It will be something I can write about later.


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