Today was an interesting day....I have decided I have a sleeping problem. I have fallen asleep at the most random moments the last couple of is really getting annoying. I fell asleep in class today...unitentionally...and I have a line down my paper to prove it. I fell on the couch mid typing too..this is really getting on my nerves.
But I am feeling better now. I have had a lot of good laughs today!! No fish tank incidents, though...thank goodness. :)
Today has been an overall good of the better ones I have had in a which I am thankful.
I have had a few deep conversations lately, which have made me want to study my Bible more. I think the Lord is testing my faith.
Sean's question of the day about what tv or movie character do I think I am the most like, really made me think for a minute about what I focus on and who I am or want to be. I hadn't really thought about that much. But after thinking about the characters and Casey asking us tonight where do we tend to displace God's hope, I realized that a lot of the reason I want to be these characters is because I see the hope they have or the wonderful life they have (in most of the situations of the characters I liked). I need to put more of my hope in God as to what the future will bring than in myself and the goals and ideas I have.