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Wading in the Creek

Wading in the Creek
Originally uploaded by gerbdaisies.

Today was a day of lots of family. We had over 50 people at my grandparents house for lunch. It has been about 2 years since just about everyone (yes, that is not all of the family) was able to be together. I realized today that I am getting older..because my little cousins are doing what the cousins my age and I used to fishing, riding the four wheeler, going to see the cows with Poppy ( riding on the tailgate)....let me take a minute and tell you see who would get first dibs on the tailgate..but the tailgate was fun because Poppy would stop really fast over the creek and try to throw us off..I went wading in the creek many times....back to the things we used to hide and seek...go in and out of the in the creek..riding our bikes down the drive...climbing trees. Good memories...sometimes I wish I could do that all over again, because my cousins and I have grown apart. We are all at different stages in our lives...but the saddest part is that the differences are not just in physical aspects such as marriage, children, school and jobs, but in spiritual aspects. There are several of my generation that do not have a close relationship with God anymore and do not go to church like we did growing up. I pray that they will put God back in there life, because everything else will work itself out.

I am thankful for family. I prayed that we would all be able to get past our differences and celebrate our similiarities and I felt like that happened today. I could see people laying aside their grievances to have a happy thanksgiving. A big thanks to my grandparents for setting such a wonderful example and raising Godly children. I love you guys very much!!!

I am so blessed...and today I am thankful that God is an active in my life and that I have a family that loves me.


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