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Today I am thankful that it is one day closer to the weekend. I have finished all assignments due before the break, so I am ready to enjoy the weekend before having to work on assigments due after the break.

But I wanted to ask a question?
You know that feeling that you get when you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Well I had that feeling last night when my adopted mom came up and said I prayed for you last night. I told her I knew someone had been praying for me because I felt different. God has answered so MANY prayers for me this week and it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Man, He's good!

I got a 26/26 on my accounting quiz (in which I didn't have time to study for, so I was going to use it as my drop grade...well not anymore)
I feel like I did Ok on my accounting test yesterday...maybe I will get a good grade in that class after all.
My dad and I ate lunch together today..we needed time to catch up..we will have to do that more often (we both ran out of time and had other committments to get to)
Sean makes me laugh...he has a new pet (Mullet) lion and Mullet will be joining us for our trip in the future. He has special powers. It gives him (us) something to do.
I get paid...but I have to pay my bills
Went on a field trip today to a printing was AWESOME!! I think I would like to work in a place like that.
I got a comment from my sister..(made me that warm, fuzzy feeling again) thanks, gena

and the list could go on...but I am going to take a nap (another thing I am thankful for) extra thankful for the time

God is working on me!!! (to that I am thankful)

1 Comment:

  1. Ann said...
    Ann is a HO...thats what the big deal is...Mullet told me so I know its true.

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