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Lord Please Use Me!

Today has been a long day. I thought about many things and prayed a lot. I am struggling with my purpose or where I fit in things that go on in my life everyday. I want so much to be used by God, but I feel like I have pasted up so many opportunities and have let him down. Right now, I am struggling with the right thing to say and do in particular situations and want to do what Christ would want me to do. But I found out tonight that I am not as as knowledgeable in the scriptures as I need to be. The Bible says be prepared to give an answer and I was not prepared. I want to make more time to study the Bible. I want to be prepared to give the answer and not just a get off my back answer but the right Godly answer. I am where I am right now for a reason. I am thankful that He is able to use me and I want to be used by Him. Bob reminded me of how I should be thankful in every situation or as the Bible would say "In ALL things". I am trying really hard to be thankful. God is by my side every step of the way and that is something that I am VERY thankful!!! He has always been there for me, even when I am not there for him. I would not be where I am today if it was not for him and for that I am GREATFUL!!! I know a few people are reading this and I want it to be honest with everyone. I want to be used by God and if I am not being the kind of person that I need to be to accomplish this PLEASE, help me!!

Thanks to ALL the people that have guided me toward God and have been Godly influences in my life. You are truely a blessing to me and I want to thank you for that!!!


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